Writing a reflective essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Mecca Silk Conditioner a Research Paper Free Essays
Theoretical Generally, the examination needed to make a hand crafted conditioner from eggyolk, flour, malunggay oil separate, cucumber juice and calamansi squeeze and Shall be called â€Å" MECCA Silk Conditioner. †Specifically, it attempts to see whether oregano leaves eggyolk, flour, malunggay oil extricate, cucumber juice and calamansi juice be made into a conditioner. Among the medicines, which one are the best extent for the natively constructed conditioner and if there is a distinction between the recently created MECCA Silk Conditioner and the business one as far as smell, appearance and sparkling impact. We will compose a custom exposition test on Mecca Silk Conditioner a Research Paper or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now The materials were accumulated and arranged. Cucumber was stripped, sliced and beat to get its 20 ml. juice. Calamansi organic product was likewise sliced and crushed to extricate the 20 ml. juice. Twenty ml. cleansers were estimated. Three grams of Malunggay Leaves was bubbled in 50 ml. vegetable oil. The measuring utencil was secured and expelled just when bubbling beginnings. It was bubbled for 3 minutes. It was then cooled for 5 minutes and stressed in clean holders. Thirty ml. water was poured in a 100 ml. flour and mixed until very much mixed. Two medium-sized egg yolk were beaten until clingy. Estimated Malunggay oil, cleansers, cucumber and calamansi juice were included gradually and mixed persistently. The blend was added to the flour and blended altogether until it looks whipped. Poured in a spotless holder, name its name, use and expiry date. The substance of the picked fixings which are deliberately concentrated by the analysts and the constructive outcomes to the respondents made the recently created item to be an elective conditioner for the business one. Beside the accessibility of materials in the earth, it is likewise simple to get ready. Treatment B, came out to the best extent for the created antiperspirant because of the arrangement of experimentation and through the application and assessment of the five respondents. MECCA Silk Conditioner seemed to have sparkling impact, smooth and reasonable in appearance . It keep going for a day in this way it is satisfactory and equivalent to the business one. IV. Examination Plan a) Materials and Methods Step by step instructions to refer to Mecca Silk Conditioner a Research Paper, Essays
Saturday, August 22, 2020
School English Essay
School English Essay School English Essay School English Essay: Choosing Custom Writing Service when in doubt, understudies don't care for composing school English article, particularly those, who were not conceived in English talking nation. This reality is easy to decipher, as while you are composing your school English papers, you need to mind at any rate, around a few things at very much the same time. The first is the sense and substance of your school English article itself. As some other sort of paper, it ought to be fascinating, inventive, instructive, and genuine. The second is the language and lexis utilized in your school English expositions. It is fairly hard to write in a language, which isn't local for you. That is the reason school English paper is viewed as a somewhat muddled undertaking. Be that as it may, these days, you don't experience to difficulty yourself while attempting to compose school English expositions. In the event that you feel that school English article isn't your solid point, in any case, y ou are a persevering and thinking about your evaluations understudy, don't fall into a hazard and request your school English exposition on the web. Prior to requesting your school English exposition, pick just such a source which can be trusted. Obviously, it isn't easy to comprehend whether either custom composing site is an expert one until you attempt its administration, yet at the same time there are a few things you need to focus on. The principal thing you can do while picking the site where to purchase your school English article is to request the prompt your gathering mates. Accept, the quantity of understudies who utilize distinctive custom article composing locales is simply immense, that is the reason you are sure to locate some important data. You can likewise scan for such a site without anyone else. While picking one, do follow through on consideration regarding the cost of overhauling. On the off chance that it will be too modest or even for nothing out of pocket, yo u are running the hazard to run over web cheating. To compose an expert school English exposition takes some specific occasions and some specific endeavors. That is the reason in the event that they are going to offer you school English paper at the hopeless cost, it is possible that they will give you the low quality article brimming with botches and other charming amazements or they will sell you the exposition which is as of now offered to the many individuals also. Try not to conserve on your evaluation; it might impact your future. Better, utilize the administration of custom composing destinations which offer worthy and moderate cost for their overhauling, as, our site.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Simple Tip To Find LinkedIn Profiles Using Google Search
Simple Tip To Find LinkedIn Profiles Using Google Search Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Simple Tip To Find LinkedIn Profiles Using Google SearchUpdated On 23/06/2016Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : LinkedInShort URL : http://hbb.me/22bce7Z CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogIll be honest, I admit I dont really use LinkedIn that much, but Ill also admit its one of the most powerful resources for finding the right person or company for doing something. Almost every professional has a LinkedIn profile these days. Im having a personal LinkedIn profile and our Slashsquare network has a LinkedIn page.You can connect with fellow Bloggers, Coders, Programmers, Investors, Funders, Entrepreneurs, etc. though its not a platform like Facebook, it still has some benefits.Few days back I across some LinkedIn Profile Google Search tips on Digital Inspiration blog and I personally found them very useful. I tried some search queries and found the required profiles/pages. As a Blogger, I decided to share them with you via HBB.WANT TO GET MORE CONVERSION/LEADS FROM LINKEDIN? FOLLOW THESE:Top 5 Tips By Which You Can Easily Generate Leads On LinkedInFind LinkedIn Profiles Using Google SearchYou just need to use these search queries on Google and you can find your desired results. You can tweak them according to your requirements as well. If you are creative enough, then you can experiment with various search tricks and get your own formula.1. LinkedIn Profiles Excluding Internal Search Pagessite:linkedin.com/in/ OR site:linkedin.com/pub/ -intitle:profiles -inurl:/dir2. LinkedIn Profiles With Required Positionshead | vp | vice-president | senior | director site:linkedin.com/in OR site:linkedin.com/pub -intitle:profiles -inurl:/dir3. LinkedIn Profiles With Required Countries/CitiesLocation * India head | vp | senior | director site:linkedin.com/in OR site:linkedin.com/pub -intitle:profiles -inurl:/dir4. LinkedIn Profiles With Required Post Codesweb developer 1 10001..110099 site:linkedin.com/inLEARN WHY YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS LINKEDIN FOR PROMOTION TRAFFIC:READTop 5 Tips To Generate Leads On LinkedIn7 Easy (And Efficient) Ways to Use LinkedIn To Promote Your BusinessThats all. Hope you found these tips useful. You can also tweak them according to your desired metrics. Let us know in the comments below if you know any other awesome LinkedIn search queries.TIPS SOURCE: DIGITAL INSPIRATON
Monday, May 25, 2020
Cell Phone Effect on Society - 1526 Words
Joshua Davis Teacher Class Date Title How often do we see some people in society now a days on their phones? Whether this be to someone checking their Facebook or just messaging their friends to let them know where they are. How often could you witness to how they could cause accidents such as not paying attention when crossing the road, crime such as the increase in phones being stolen, or car accidents in the split second in which one is looking down at their phone rather than paying attention to what is on the road? If we were living in the time periods before the 90s, then we would be living in a generation in which no one would have come close to guessing that cell phones would be a vital source in living in these modern times.†¦show more content†¦Since people do not have to use a computer anymore, or as much as they use to, the act of cyber bullying could be completed quicker than it has ever before. If one is categorized as being a â€Å"heavy cell phone user†, they are not only setting themselves up for being a potential cyber bully, but also a victim of it as well. Not only can cyber bullying be destructive, but the notion of â€Å"sexting†starts to destroy the reputations of many. Cell phones and e-mail have changed the way we communicate but have led to dangerous and destructive behavior. The mindset of many, which not only includes the teenage population, heeds to thought that sexting is perfectly harmless, when it is actually, in response, very harmful. When a photo or video is sent to another person, privacy is not only lost forever but remembered forever as well. The content can be broadcast to anyone through anything. The original sender has no control once he or she presses â€Å"send.†The consequences of sexting can be severe, ranging from embarrassment to imprisonment or worse. Explicit photos or videos forwarded from person to person can cause embarrassment for the original sender, but you would think that this epidemic would prevent future incid ents, when in fact it encourages, indirectly, many more of this same instance to happen. Many people don’t realize that once they hit â€Å"send,†control of who else sees that compromising photo is now completely up to the recipients. One mayShow MoreRelatedCell Phones And Its Effects On Society Essay1277 Words  | 6 Pagesthe world resemble in the event that we didn t have any cell phones? Why is it that we get out of our comfort zone when we do not have access to our phones? Nowadays, cell phones have such a noteworthy effect on our day to day lives, and we owe it to the advancement of technology. In this research paper, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon by examining the evolution of cell phone devices, and it’s effects on society. Cell phones, as we know them haven’t been around for that long. The quickRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society1400 Words  | 6 Pagespossible to carry a phone and still use it, since then there have been millions upon millions released through these forty three years of its existence, every year with a different model, system, camera, you name it, the possibilities are endless! The advantages cellular devices hold over us are massive, from calling a friend situated halfway across the world to ordering food for Memorial High School’s 5th period lunch. Another major factor of our 24/7 nonstop use of the cell phone is texting. TextRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society940 Words  | 4 Pages Cell phones have been around for hundreds of years. It’s no surprise that more and more people are beginning to partake in cellphone use. Cell phones provide society with an easier way of communicating and obtaining information, but at the same time there are some negative consequences. What most people don’t realize is that cellphones are actually quite harmful to modern society. Scientifically cellphones emit radiations that can potentially produce fatal results. Overall cellphones haveRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society1480 Words  | 6 Pagesthis technology, the cell phone was created and over the years has advanced itself. The cell phone has become a necessity to many. All ages use this mobile device for either personal or business uses. Higgins states that the amount of cell phones active has increased from â€Å"one billion in 2000 to 6 billion.†Although cell phones paly an important role in the lives of many, the negative possibilitie s could cause destruction to our society. According to Russell Ware, a cell phone is â€Å"any portable telephoneRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society3111 Words  | 13 Pagesback to the office on the cell phone†, said Seven Spielberg. Everywhere you are no matter what, you will see someone in contact with his or her cell phone. The effects of them cause negative and positive outcomes within our society. Cell phones have influenced society both positive and negative ways regarding teenagers life, social interactions, emergencies crimes, and health. Cell phones have negatively affected teenager’s life in more than one way. First cell phones are a distraction to the wayRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1698 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology and technological advances in communication, such as smartphones, were initially introduced in society to connect individuals together. However, because of the growing obsession of smartphones and technology, it becomes evident that technology is causing an opposite effect. The addiction of smart phones and technology has pushed individuals even farther apart. Further, in cell phones, an individual has a different life unknown to the people around him or her. In other words, individualsRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society2122 Words  | 9 PagesCell phones have become a necessary evil in today s society according to some people. While cell phones can have positive effects, easy access to friends and family also with the police force, paramedics, and firefighter s. The negative effects of cellphones outweigh the positives. Cellphones are dangerous and their use in today s society should be limited. From when the first cell phone was invented to the new apple IPhone 6 since coming out people have been addicted to them. People have gottenRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society Essay1839 Words  | 8 Pagesaffected by cell phones and mobile phones’ temptations have reduced face-to-face communication among people, attracted people from their study and work, and even harmed their health and life, it is urgent now to find detailed origins behind such phenomenon of cell phone addiction and then find solutions to this serious problem. Until now, on this topic many researchers have investigated people’s average using times of cell phones per day, people’s average amount of time of using cell phones per day,Read MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1991 Words  | 8 Pagesadvantage of it, but is this a good thing? Cell phones are taking over people’s lives and the pattern is going to continue if people keep using cell phones the way they are, and allowing their children to use them equally as much. One s relationships, values, and time management would all be better if cell phones were not as significant of a part of people’s lives as they have become. Howard Rheingold says it so beautifully and accurately. Cell phones and other technology is changing the world andRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1503 Words  | 7 Pagesadvanced vocabulary. In today’s society text language, such as jk or lol, is common in everyday texting, but to past generations the use o f this language is foreign. That shows the major change that cell phones have had on society. People who were born before 1973 grew up without cell phones,and when they did finally get their first phone, they used it only for calling people. Young teens today will hang out with each other, but there is a secret tag along friend, their phones, that never seems to leave
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Informative Speech Plastic Surgery - 1551 Words
Informational Interview Plastic Surgery is a speciality of medicine and a branch of surgery. It is a medical specialty that includes reconstructive interventions as well as cosmetic interventions of the body and face (Reconstructive plastic surgery) and the second one (cosmetic plastic surgery), the latter popularly known as cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery is the restoring and give to the body its form and functionality in patients who have suffered accidents, burns, cancer, or have birth defects, malformations of the hands, etc. Its procedures will operate on various parts of the body to restore their normal shape and function, alleviating the individual s disease. Cosmetic Surgery is used to improve a person s†¦show more content†¦What are your main duties and responsibilities? Take care of people, he has the duties of make the patience to be better and feel good again. Question 7: How did you get to where you are today? Did you follow a traditional path in your career search? He started off studying Business, but then he changed to Medicine because one day he was studying with her friend and she was reading a anatomy book, he looked at the book he was reading and saw that the anatomy book was more interesting so he started to like more the medicine fields than the business field. Question 8: Who were the people who supported and encouraged you in your career? His dad s friends, Dr. Liby was the most influential person for him and also Dr Kelly influence him in his career because they would tell him how the medical field was and he got more interested at it. Question 9: What lessons have you learned along the way that would be helpful for someone just starting out or who is interested in this career? His words of encouragement are to stick with it and even when you re studying so hard and you re working so long hour and it seems like everyone else is having fun at the end all the hard work that you did it is rewarding. Question 13: What are some future trends which could impact the nature of this career? Every year there s new things that come out, as technology grows we are able to do things with lasers and highShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech : Plastic Surgery819 Words  | 4 PagesINFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Topic: Plastic Surgery Specific purpose: Allowing people to know the pros and cons of plastic surgery. Thesis: The cosmetic, issues, and beauty. We need to understand every possible outcome while considering plastic surgery. Introduction I. Attention-getter: Modern plastic surgeons can alter almost any aspect of physical appearance, from facial features to body shape. II. Credibility statement: According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 14.6 million plasticRead MoreSpeech Outline On The Perils Of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1230 Words  | 5 Pages(Vincent) Dana-Jean Smith CMST 110 13 October 2016 Informative Speech Outline on The Perils of Cosmetic Surgery I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"I prefer artificial beauty to natural ugliness†is a phrase that currently seems to be gaining popularity with many girls and women around the world. However, relatively few of them can comprehend the unsafe risks behind the artificial beauty. B. Introduce Topic and Significance: 1. These days, cosmetic surgery has quickly built up everywhere throughoutRead MoreInformative Breast Cancer Speech Essay899 Words  | 4 PagesInformative Speech: Breast Cancer Attention Getter: What do Sheryl Crow, Judy Blume, Suzanne Somers, Wanda Sykes and my Mother have in common? They are all breast cancer survivors. Topic Disclosure: Today I am going to talk to you about breast cancer information and awareness Preview: During my speech I will discuss: * Symptoms and Diagnosis * Treatment and Side effects * Ways to lower risk and Statistics Audience Link: There is a large amount of men and women who are diagnosedRead MoreOutline of a Kpop Informative Speech Essays1443 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿November 8, 2012 Outline of Informative Speech Kpop Invasion Topic: Korean pop General purpose: To inform†¦ Specific purpose: To inform about Kpop. Central idea: To inform my colleagues about Kpop. Kpop is more than ‘Oppa Gangnam Style’ that many have come to know. From music, it branched out to the other forms of media that becomes a part of pop culture and that of the new generation. Introduction Attention-getter: Play ‘Run by Tiger JK ft. Baby-T the Jungle. I wanted to play thisRead MorePeer Pressure2910 Words  | 12 Pagesbe a welcome break from citing Mark Anthony s oft quoted, Friends, Romans, Countrymen... speech. A good debate topic does not necessarily need to be a political topic. It can be funny, informative, contemplative, social, economical - the categories are endless. Debate topics for students need to be chosen keeping in mind the maturity level and understanding that they may be expected to have about the speech topic at hand. Always make a shortlist of topics that will seem interesting to the targetRead MoreLanguage of Advertising20371 Words  | 82 Pagesattracts the attention of the consumer and the degree of its expressiveness Titles are divided into several types: headlines reporting the useful properties of provocative, informative, interrogative and containing the command. The main text of advertising message can be narrative, figurative, tricks (the original), it can be written in the form of dialogue or monologue. VI. Features the use of linguistic devicesRead MoreThe Central Nervous System14042 Words  | 57 Pagesto experience or damage. refers to the brain’s ability to change its structure and function in response to experience or damage. Neuroplasticity enables us to learn and remember new things and adjust to new experiences. Our brains are the most â€Å"plastic†when we are young children, as it is during this time that we learn the most about our environment. On the other hand, neuroplasticity continues to be observed even in adults (Kolb amp; Fantie, 1989).[85] The principles of neuroplasticity help usRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words  | 316 Pages The most glaring example of his innovative translation is the word significate now usually translated by signified (signifià © in French)â€â€which is used throughout the text. Langue and parole have increasingly been translated by language and speech, although this is not an ideal solution. Dà ©couper, translated by Taylor in a number of ways (break up, break down analysis, etc.), would more easily be translated by segmenting when used in the linguistic sense, and by dà ©coupage when used toRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagesto do the following: 1. Decide whether existing information is adequate or whether additional information is required. 2. If necessary, collect more information in a reasonable and thoughtful way. 3. Summarize the available data in a useful and informative manner. 4 Chapter 1 ââ€" The Role of Statistics and the Data Analysis Process 4. Analyze the available data. 5. Draw conclusions, make decisions, and assess the risk of an incorrect decision. People informally use these steps to make everydayRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesWhich sentence below probably is not being used to make a claim (that is, a statement)? a. I wonder if we should turn back. b. Financial ruin from medical bills is almost exclusively an American disease. c. I learned a long time ago that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you. d. My bumper sticker asks, â€Å"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I drive by again?†40 4. Identify all the conclusion indicators and premise indicators, if any, in the following
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Public Schools Vs. Non Profit Organization Essay - 1495 Words
define units), goals and policies, clearly defined rules and roles. The structural frame has a different ground of beliefs and principles dissimilar from the other four frames. Solely it based upon certain assumptions, predicated on the division of labor (also referred to as specialization) and deliberate coordination. There too lies in the belief hiring the right people for the right jobs with specialized defined roles and responsibilities, will they perform to their maximum capacity. Essentially, the structural frame is bounded on the principles of effectiveness and efficiency in addition to productivity. This is exactly why leaders whether in private or non-profit organization should always devise a mental model of the rational message they want to convey to the outside world about their infrastructure, especially when related to their goals and objectives. Newark Public Schools is a non-profit comprehensive community public school district that serves the children of Newark , NJ in the Essex County. A mission driven organization, its main motivation is not to increase but to achieve their service goal of preparing students to be productive citizens in the changing world. As one of the oldest school systems in the state of New Jersey, dating back to 1676, the Newark Public Schools is part of a special-purpose local government that performs many functions. It is at the helm of providing education to children from early childhood elementary, secondary to highShow MoreRelatedCapital Budgeting in Galaxy Science Centre Essay1403 Words  | 6 Pagescontrol their capital expenditure. By providing powerful reporting and analysis, managers can take control of their budgets. The purpose of this paper is to investigate capital budgeting decision under Galaxy Science Centre (GSC), which is non-profit organization. The need for such an analysis emerges from the case that only provides general information concerning the impact of capital budgeting decisions in the presence of strategic interactions among GSC. We are facing significant problems in differentRead MoreGalaxy Science Centre (Gsc) Essay1640 Words  | 7 Pagescontrol their capital expenditure. By providing powerful reporting and analysis, managers can take control of their budgets. The purpose of this paper is to investigate capital budgeting decision under Galaxy Science Centre (GSC), which is non-profit organization. The need for such an analysis emerges from the case that only provides general information concerning the impact of capital budgeting decisions in the presence of strategic interactions among GSC. We are facing significant problems in differentRead MoreEssay On Social Entrepreneur1602 Words  | 7 Pagesfocus on the product or service without due consideration to whether it addresses a real market problem with customers who would be willing to pay for it. Schumpeter (1965): â€Å"individuals who exploit market opportunity through technical and/or organization innovation†Drucker (1985): â€Å"the entrepreneur shifts resources from areas of low productivity and yield to areas of higher productivity and yield. Of course, there is a risk the entrepreneur may not succeed†In today’s shifting business and socialRead MoreHospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities1023 Words  | 4 PagesHospitals and Long-term Care Facilities Hospitals and Long-term Care Facilities: For a long period of time, hospitals have basically been established as nonprofit and for-profit facilities with several similarities and differences between these categories. Notably, these categories have minimal differences though its difficult to predict their quality based on their structures. The healthcare field has also been characterized by several trends in the past three decades in attempts to improveRead MoreOrganizational Development Case Study741 Words  | 3 Pagesdevelopment As a sophomore at UT, I saw a need to recognize and support Native American students and culture. With guidance from faculty advisors, we created founding documents for a new student organization. *Nonprofit leadership/management Multiple years of leadership roles in 6 nonprofits and over 10 organizations, I developed a team-oriented leadership style. This led to my nomination and induction into the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honors Society. *Interpersonal skills I excel atRead MoreThe Security Of Our Nation1359 Words  | 6 Pagesthem. People claim that as a consequence of The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center terrorist attack, and with advances in innovative technology, society needs to accept the unlimited mass observation that has that has portrayed this current organization s arrangements in the course of the last several years, and decrease its expectancies of privacy. The attacks of 9-11 tested our nation in new ways. In any case, maybe the greatest test was if people would defend both the nation and their ConstitutionalRead MoreReynolds Reynolds Team Selling1166 Words  | 5 PagesWhen a company decides to use a team-selling approach, there are several factors to consider: The size and diversity of the team. Rewards for each individual vs. rewards for the team as a whole. Strategic objectives involved with the decision-making process. Team selling should be used when there is a chance for high sales and profit. Firms must weigh the concept s pros and cons and base their decision on whether the approach matches the needs of the buyer. Advantages of Team Selling A teamRead MoreManaging Non Profit Organisations7701 Words  | 31 PagesManaging non-profit organisations: Towards a new approach Civil Society Working Paper 1 Helmut K. Anheier January 2000 Abstract This paper puts forth the thesis that the management of non-profit organisations is often ill understood because we proceed from the wrong assumptions about how these organisations operate. Based on this premise, this paper develops a model of the non-profit form as a conglomerate of multiple organisations with multiple bottom lines that demand a variety ofRead MoreBilingual Education : Different Cultures And A More Meaningful Education854 Words  | 4 Pageslimited-English-speaking children†, later explaining that this concept in widely used in public schools in the United States. While researching bilingual education, we found that there was a website about an organization called the National Association for Bilingual Education. The organization, founded in 1976, was created specifically to help language-minority students. The plan of this non-profit organization is to overall improve the abilities of culturally diverse students. The author states thatRead MoreHillary Rodham vs Michelle Obama Essay719 Words  | 3 PagesCompare and Contrast Essay Brian L. Marone Excelsior College maronebrian@gmail.com English 101 Instructor: BK Harvey 16 January 2013 Hillary Clinton Vs Michelle Obama Many people usually spend the majority their time comparing the past and present presidents against each other. They always talk about the things the presidents have accomplished leaving behind a great legacy, but they never consider the great women behind the man. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Michelle LaVaughn Robinson
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Statistics Project Essay Example For Students
Statistics Project Essay My task during this statistics coursework is to gather relevant information regarding the memories of people with regard to many different factors. I shall need to create numerous hypotheses that are sensible and are practical to carry out, get information relevant to the hypotheses and present the data in different methods which are relevant to the experiment. Hypothesis My primary hypothesis is that pictures are easier to memorise than words, and words are easier to memorise rather than numbers. I have come to this prediction as I personally find pictures easier to remember because you can relate it to something and it is visual, visual objects are said to be easier to memorise. Secondly words are easier to memorise than numbers because words can be easily related to ones thinking and therefore people can remember them easily while numbers are harder to relate. : I decided to choose similar pages from both the Times and the Mirror with roughly equal numbers of paragraphs and adverts, pages 4-5, or 4-6, as in the Mirror there were not enough to take samples from. To find mean sentence lengths in the two papers, I decided I would sample systematically from my populations, counting the number of words in every 3rd sentence. I came up on several problems quickly should I include headlines in my count? I decided against it, as headlines tend to be shorter than normal sentences. The next problem came with numbers did they get counted as words in the sentences? Making sure that I did the same with both papers, I decided to exclude numbers in my count. I also decided to exclude any sentences in adverts, as the number of adverts on the compared pages varied. I then took a mean and found the of my data. To find the average number of words per sentence, I decided to cluster-sample, and count the first 30 words in the first paragraph of page 4 in each paper. I decided that I would again exclude numbers, and that hyphenated words counted as a single word. Again, when I found all the data, I found its mean and the standard deviation. Location: As can be seen from this box and whisker diagram, the Times has a similar mean sentence length (20 to 1sf.) to the Mirror (18). This shows that the average sentences in the Mirror and the Times contain a similar number of words. In the box and whisker diagram for word lengths, it is visible that their medians are the same.
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