Monday, June 3, 2019
Toyota Marketing Strategy Marketing Essay
Toyota trade Strategy selling EssayToyota Motor Corporation ProfileAccording to Toyota Global (2015) Toyota is a worldwide Japanese self-propelling corporation headquartered in Aichi, Japan. Toyota was founded in August 28 1937 by founder Kiichiro Toyoda.Marketing StrategyFifield (2012) claims there argon countless meanings for the term Marketing Strategy. Fifield (2012) accumulates and provides a number of meanings from various authors for the term Marketing Strategy. But the most captivating definition from Fifields (2012) seek was from an author named Craven. Fifield (2012, p.xxiv) quotes Cravens definition of a merchandise schema in which he defines it as a process that involves strategically analysing environmental, competitive as well as business factors that affect business units and forecasting futurity trends in business areas of interest to the companion.Penetration Pricing Marketing StrategyA trade schema currently used by Toyota is a dodging called penetration price (See Appendix A). Ferrell and Hartline (2010) reveal that the purpose of the penetration determine commercialiseing strategy is to maximise sales and to attain widespread market constituent within the market a confederacy is competing in. Ferrell and Hartline (2010)also contribute to light that the penetration pricing merchandising strategy has the objective of capturing a large market administer rapidly by setting low costs for products that a company sells. Further much Ferrell and Hartline (2010) claim that penetration pricing is topper executed when consumers are raw(a) towards the price of the product.Harrison and John (2013) highlight Toyotas usage of the penetration pricing merchandising strategy which states that Toyota sell their cars in the low end of the price spectrum. This strategy caters to the price sensitive consumers.Whats more Wood (2007) exemplifies Toyotas use of the penetration pricing marketing strategy when Toyota introduced their Yaris Subcompa ct car production to the Europe market. Wood (2007) highlights that Toyotas usage of the penetration pricing marketing strategy for their Yaris car production enabled the corporation to compete with other well-known automotive companies such as crossway, Volkswagen, Renault and Vauxhall. guerilla Marketing Strategy some other marketing strategy used by Toyota is a marketing strategy called the guerrilla strategy (See Appendix B). Boone and Kurtz (2014) inform that guerrilla marketing involves companies using maverick techniques to draw out consumer attention. Boone and Kurtz (2014) also regard the guerrilla marketing strategy as a fairly new marketing technique, in addition Boone and Kurtz (2014) reveal that the strategy is normally used by companies that do not have financial resources for other well-known or more effective marketing strategies. What is more Boone and Kurtz (2014) bring forward that established companies such as Toyota and Pepsi also employ the guerrilla marketi ng strategy even though such companies have the financial condenser to implement more effective marketing strategies.Boyles (2008) acknowledges Toyotas incorporation of the guerrilla marketing strategy which outlines that Toyotas main reason for using the guerrilla marketing strategy is to attract the younger crowd i.e. young adults. Boyles (2008) also points out that companies such as Toyota conduct this strategy by placing advertisements on objects that are used everyday e.g. fare or drink packaging. What is more Boyles (2008) goes further by revealing that companies such as Toyota use resource methods for the guerrilla marketing strategy such as placing advertisements in locations where people commute frequently.Social Media Marketing StrategyA further strategy currently used by Toyota is the mixer media marketing strategy (See Appendix C). Marketing via use of social media is considered a contemporary strategy in the marketing world and is also considered a very effective ma rketing strategy. Many companies in this day age are now taking reinforcement of the social media marketing strategy such as Toyota. Zarrella (2009) notifies that social media marketing involves the usage of web technologies. Zarella (2009) also points out that social media web technologies include activities such as blogging, social networks (such as Facebook and LinkedIn) and media sharing sites (such as Flickr and YouTube).Tybout and Calde, (2010) introduce a detailed example of Toyotas usage of the social media marketing strategy. Tybout and Calde (2010) exemplify Toyotas usage of the social media strategy marketing by unveiling Toyotas affiliation with a company called iCrossing. Tybout and Calde (2010) go further by acknowledging iCrossings role in building awareness of Toyotas IQ city car which was released by Toyota in 2008. Tybout and Calde, (2010) declare that iCrossing is a UK establish company who specialise in digital marketing. Additionally Tybout and Calde, (2010) m ention that iCrossing helped to promote Toyotas IQ car model via the use of a campaign called the The Hypermiling Campaign. Hypermiler (2015) is an online community that focuses on providing fuel saving advice. iCrossings assistance in promoting the IQ car production helped Toyota to generate positive anticipation amongst the communitys online users.Tybout and Calde, (2010) continue by talking about Toyotas IQ blogging site which was created specifically for the IQ car production. Tybout and Calde, (2010) take up on by disclosing Toyotas increase in traffic on their blogging site which increased by more than 212 percent as a result of their affiliation with iCrossing. Tybout and Calde, (2010) lecture on how the social media marketing strategy has enabled Toyota to reach new audiences through the use of alternative social media marketing techniques such as blog posting, Flickr and chirrup. Tybout and Calde, (2010) conclude by addressing an additional technique used by Toyota in the social media realm which is the consolidation of their online newsroom with social media outlets such as YouTube, Flickr and Twitter. The result of this marketing technique integration has allowed the web community to access Toyotas images, videos, activities and anything else associated with Toyota.Trade figure Marketing StrategyThe stomach strategy used by Toyota is trade verbalise marketing strategy (See Appendix D). This marketing strategy is used by galore(postnominal) well-known automotive companies within the car industry. Trade show marketing involves companies exhibiting their new product(s) or service(s). Silen (2013) describes trade show marketing as person to person, information qualify and selling. Silen (2013) proceeds by stating that trade shows involve the gathering and distribution of information. Toyota uses this particular strategy to exhibit new car productions.An example of Toyotas trade show marketing strategy is their collaboration with a German company called B+s exhibitions. B+s exhibitions (2015) illustrate the partnership between the two companies where they present galleries as well as video footage of Toyotas trade shows. Toyota and b+s exhibitions have worked together since the early 1980s. B+s exhibitions are a company who have been specialising in trade shows for over 40 years where one of their primary focuses is trade show marketing for top automotive companies all slightly the world.Recommendations to Improve Toyotas Marketing StrategiesPenetration Pricing Marketing Strategy ImprovementBased on the findings, Toyota could improve their penetration pricing marketing strategy by initially selling their cars at a low price then slowly increasing their prices once they have established a strong business organization on any new production they release. As mentioned earlier companies use the penetration strategy to attain widespread market share within the market they are competing in. What this means is companies such as To yota using the penetration pricing strategy are trying to build a strong clientele which Toyota achieved many times over the years with the various car productions they have released.Holden and Burton (2010) address this issue in which they write about the problems that cornerstone arise from the penetration pricing strategy. First Holden and Burton (2010) tackle the issue of customers who come to companies such as Toyota based on price where they highlight such customers as being the first to put out once another competitor enters the market. What is more Holden and Burton (2010) state that competing with competitors based on price is the least sustainable competitive advantage strategy to have. Even though Toyota has been one of the worlds leading automotive competitors for many years it is imperative to take such precautions into consideration for the reason that they could sooner or later find themselves in such a situation. The tactic of starting off with low price then slow ing increasing the price could help sustain the companys competitive advantage years down the line.Guerrilla Marketing Strategy ImprovementToyota could improve their guerrilla marketing strategy by integrating their guerrilla marketing strategy with their social media marketing strategy.Levinson and Gibson (2010) speak about the effectiveness of combining the two marketing strategies. Levinson and Gibson (2010) delve into how guerrilla marketing strategy is able operate on base the social media marketing strategy by noting the cost aspect of combining the two marketing strategies. They reveal that creating a social media platform requires zero fees. Levinson and Gibson (2010) carry on by discussing that all guerrilla marketers should take advantage of this idea as it gives guerrilla marketers such as Toyota the opportunity to maximise their brand to a wider audience.Social Media Marketing Strategy ImprovementBased on the findings Toyota has already constructed a solid social media marketing strategy. However Toyota could improve their social media marketing strategy as a way to study their competitors.West, Ford and Ibrahim (2015) bring to light how the social media marketing strategy can useful weapon when analysing your competition. West, Ford and Ibrahim (2015) provide an insight on how the social media strategy is a contemporary tool for monitoring and gathering information about competitors within your market segments. unless West, Ford and Ibrahim (2015) go further by making a note of the type of information that can be gathered about competitors where information can include competitor brands, strengths, weaknesses and strategic decisions. Additionally West, Ford and Ibrahim (2015) present an extra commodity where they state corporations such as Toyota can employ specialist firms to conk out competitors on their behalf. Having access to such information would provide Toyota with ammunition which they can then use to get a better understanding of the market they are competing in.Trade express Marketing Strategy improvementToyota could improve their trade show marketing strategy by integrating their trade show and social media strategies together. Executing their social media strategy in the lead and during their trade shows would help Toyota to improve traffic and awareness of their trade shows.Stratten and Kramer (2012) bring to attention that social media is one of the best ways to increase traffic at a trade shows. This can be done is by engaging in social media before and during the event. Stratten and Kramer (2012) offer an example of this tactic by saying that users of the trade show marketing strategy could use a social media outlet such as Twitter for their trade shows by using the hashtag tool. According to Chen et al. (2014) the hashtag tool is a feature on social media that is used to identify messages by topic. Stratten and Kramer (2012) continue by explaining that the use of hashtags enable the hosts of trade show s to see what people are saying about their conferences. This tactic can be carried out days or weeks before the event.ConclusionResearch has revealed how instrumental marketing strategies can be to a companys success. Additionally the report has shown how various marketing strategies play different roles to elicit change results. Research has also illustrated how marketing strategies can be the catalyst to a companys longevity and possess the power to separate successful companies from unsuccessful companies.What is more from research conducted it can be seen that even established companies such as Toyota still have room for improvement as development is a never shutdown process.Overall the report has helped to discover how Toyota has attained their current status within the automotive market. Toyota is good example of a company that executes effective marketing strategies. The marketing strategies outlined in the report have helped to expose how Toyota has had such a strong forc e in the automotive market over the years.ReferencesBoone, L. and Kurtz, D. (2014). Contemporary Marketing. ArkansasBoyles, D. (2008). The unified Assault on Youth. New York Peter LangB+s exhibitions (2015). b+s exhibitions GmbH . online Available athttp//, Y., Balke, W., Xu, J., Xu, W., Jin, P., Lin, X., Tang, T. and Hwang, E. (2014). Web-age information management. Macau Springer.Ferrell, O. and Hartline, M. (2010). Marketing Strategy. 6th ed. Erin Joyne.Fifield, P. (2012). Marketing Strategy. 2nd ed. The Chartered Institute of MarketingHarrison, J. and St. John, C. (2013). Foundations in strategic management. Mason, Ohio Thomson/South-Western.olden, R. and Burton, M. (2010). Pricing with Confidence. Somerset Wiley.Hypermiler (2015)., Hypermiling News, Techniques Tips. online Available athttp//, J. and Gibson, S. (2010). 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Toyota Protect Whats Behind You. online Creative Guerrilla Marketing. Available athttp//, R., Haddon, E. and Brownlee, S. (2012). Hot looks and chill out Connections with New Toyota Aygo Fire and Ice UK Media Site. online Available athttp// A Penetration Pricing Marketing Strategy ExampleSourced from Toyota UK Media, 2012Appendix B Guerrilla Marketing Strategy ExampleSourced from Creative Guerrilla Marketing, 2012Appendix C Social Media Marketing Strategy ExampleSourced from YouTube, 2015Appendix D Trade Show Marketing Strategy ExampleSourced from Auto Types, 2015
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