Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analytical Report on the core reasons for the dilution of the Assignment

Analytical Report on the core reasons for the dilution of the Singaporean spirit in youths and for them being uncomfortable in t - Assignment Example The most recent estimates place foreigners claiming at least 40 percent of the Singaporean labor force and more than a quarter of the 5 million residents registered in Singapore. (Chong 2010, p. 145) This phenomenon is not entirely surprising and is actually demonstrated in the experiences of countries who have adopted the same strategy – that of actively attracting immigration and pursuing foreign workers. The resulting multiculturalism and plurality in their respective societies have generated problems especially for native citizens. The seemingly universal consequence of this phenomenon is explained by the following perceptions: It is believed that the influx of foreign immigrants would mean less political and economic opportunities for the native citizens; Immigration erodes traditions and a nation’s way of life; Language and other cultural artifacts are endangered; Immigration would lead to a lowered quality of life, low standards in education, and so forth. (Hirsc hman, Kasinitz and DeWind 1999, p. 394) Most of the concerns that have been outlined above are actually valid. For instance, the sheer number of foreign residents in Singapore can hold hostage the government with regards to some policy issues by simply refraining to work. An excellent example is when a group of 100 Bangladeshi migrant workers gathered outside Singapore’s labour ministry, protesting for the release of their severance salary. (Reuters 2009) The protesters were not arrested and no further reports were made as to what the government did especially given the fact that Singapore has strict laws against this kind of activities. Writing for Temasek Review, a Singaporean, Fang Zhi Yuan (2010), questioned this development, stating: â€Å"Singaporeans will be wondering why the foreign workers are not arrested for assembly in a public area which can potentially lead to social unrest and disorder while the government and media often kick up a ruckus over a couple of loca ls committing the same deed.† The political consequence of having a sizable number of constituents that come from elsewhere is indeed a threatening prospect for Singaporeans. This is also true in other areas such as the economic and cultural. The prevailing opinion is that these mass of foreign workers brought with them an equally sizable coterie of customs, beliefs, culture, point of view and so forth that could potentially clash with the native’s own. On the other hand, it is also important to underscore that some adverse reactions and perceptions towards immigration or the government’s policy to invite more foreign workers are misplaced. For instance, there is the myth about the damage to economic opportunities for Singaporean. As Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, in his speech at the NTU Students Union Ministerial Forum last October 2010, foreign labor is crucial in the overall health of Singapore’s economy. Then, there are also the misconceptions about m ulticulturalism.

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