Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kennedy Tapes Journalism article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kennedy Tapes Journalism - Article Example 22, 1963 in Dallas (John 8). Before and after becoming the president, Kennedy used a recording machine known as Dictaphone, typically for dictating notes or letters. In the given summer of 1962, he requested Secret Service Agent Robert Buck to hide recording devices in the Oval Office, the Cabinet Room, and a library in the Mansion. He placed in the given basement of the given West Wing of the given White House two of these machines. This was a room set aside for storing private president’s files. He placed another in the basement of the Mansion (John 13). The West Wing recorders were connected by a wire to two microphones inside the Oval Office and two in the Cabinet Room. The two in the Cabinet Room were on the exterior wall, placed in two spots and covered by drapes. They got activated using a switch near the President’s sit at the Cabinet table easily being mistaken for a signal press. About microphones in the Oval Office, one placed in the kneehole of the President ’s desk and the other concealed under a coffee table athwart the room. Each of them turned on plus off with a given push on an unobtrusive button (John 7). In the paragraphs below are the most fascinating excerpts in these tapes. ... Washington Bubble Even about 50 years ago the president had worries over the disconnection between Washington D.C., from the rest of the nation. â€Å"We have got so mechanical an operation in Washington that it does not have much distinctiveness where these people get concerned,† he said to his aides. ‘Color Is Damn Good’. Kennedy worried on the minutiae in his political campaign too. Discussing the 1964 convention, he held that he wanted videos to be colored. â€Å"Should they be in color?† he asked (Richard Dean Burns 57).  . â€Å"They would come over the T.V in black and white,† (Richard Dean Burns 65).   I do not know if maybe they would come over the NBC 1in color. Perhaps a million watching it colored and it would have a cause. I do not know how much expensive it is. Be rather an effect on the convention. The color is damn good when done right† (Richard Dean Burns 40).   Frustration over Vietnam During an assembly in September 196 3, President Kennedy vented his frustration with contradictory reports about the Vietnam’s civil war. Gen. Victor Krulak was hopeful while State Department counselor Joseph Mendenhall, on the same fact finding operation, said there was extensive military and social restlessness. â€Å"You both went to the same nation,† Asked Kennedy (Richard Dean Burns 76).  . The officials laughed apprehensively. â€Å"I mean how is that you obtain such different—this is a common thing (Richard Dean Burns 76).  . On the one hand, one finds the military saying that the war is going well, and on the other hand, the political (view) with its deterioration is influencing the military. What is the cause for the

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