Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay On Foreign Policy - 1109 Words

Every four years and specifically on the first Tuesday of the month of November, millions of American move to the polls to exercise their democratic right of a choosing a new leader in a free, open and credible election. Before this happens, the candidates are initially nominated in previous conventions with their respective parties. Furthermore, they are then given the opportunity to launch diverse campaign movements with the aim of selling their ideologies and manifesto to the citizens. Therefore, before the United States gets a new president, media [online media, newspapers, television, radio, and magazines] play a major role in making the candidate known both at local and international levels. After a successful election, the president†¦show more content†¦For example, since the presidency of George Washington, different presidents have tried to change the powers of the presidency and his officer. The leadership quality of the leader determines how well they manage their office and meets the needs of the citizens. For instance, while looking at Thomas Jefferson as the third president, use of a great deal of political powers was used in his time. Jefferson applied political ideologies to defeat all the opponents presented in their times His strategy of the ruling is still recognized even today (Green, 2012). Furthermore, Andre Jackson, the seventh president is considered as one great leader and a man of the people. He was determined to overcome all his opponents to the extent that he even removed some cabinet members who opposed his ideologies and policies. With these skillful leadership qualities, he managed to implement diverse programs that took American‘s development into a new level of increased development. The president acts as a symbol of unity in the United States. This unity and union can be traced back to the desires carried along by President Abraham Lincoln. Regardless of the fact that he did not have the power to control the troops during the Civil War, he exercised leadership of involving diverse agencies to achieve the overall peace and development of the region. The same was even in Wood Wilson’s era where he focused on creating a League of Nations with the aim of preventing future wars as experienced inShow MoreRelatedForeign Policy Essay599 Words   |  3 PagesPolicemen of the World Thesis and Outline Janene Bull Professor Joel A. Goldstein Contemporary US History 2/22/2015 The evolution of U.S. Foreign policy following the Civil War is continually evolving. During the Civil War years, America had an economy that was based on agriculture. Farmers were growing cotton, tobacco and sugarcane. Slaves from Africa worked on these enormous plantations. . 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