Friday, August 9, 2019

The Rights of the LGBT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

The Rights of the LGBT - Essay Example The achievement of the rights started the law paved way for it by decriminalization of their acts from1967. This was from the moment the Wolfenden report was considered in parliament. Since that time, the group has been involved in a long struggle, as they fight for their rights within the United Kingdom. The group today has achieved a lot, and many bills have been passed in their favor. The law has guaranteed equal treatment for the LGBT group in every sphere of life. They still have a long way to go, since they are still subject to prejudice by the society. However, the situation has greatly improved, and the mechanisms to make it better have been put in place. Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 2 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Areas of Concerns for the LGBT 4 1.2 Just What is Wrong With the Society? 5 2 The History Of LGBT In U.K 6 2.1 After the Wolfenden Report 9 2.2 Further Reforms From 1967 To 1994 And The Age Of Consent 11 2.3 The Progress From 2000 To Date 14 2.4 Revisiting Section 28 14 2.5 Other Reforms 15 2.6 Have The Social Attitudes Changed? 17 2.7 Further Change For UK 18 2.8 Reasons For Differing Times Of Change In The Rights Of The LGBT 19 3 Conclusion 21 1. Introduction The initials LGBT represent a specific group of people in every society. They represent lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender or the transsexual individuals. The letter T also represents transvestite group of people. Sometimes the letter Q is added to include the group of questioning youth, who through time have put to book the policymakers the issues that surround this group. Generally, the society in different states does not accept this group. Basing their argument on the moral values that are dictated by traditions and religious backgrounds, most of the society’s members discriminate this group. The law represents this moral ground, and as expected their rights are not a part of the law. On the contrary, the laws incriminate their activities and hence deny them their righ ts. Presently, the group is represented by organizations that are concerned with their rights (Beitz 2009, p.1-5). In the United Kingdom, the discrimination is based on several aspects. This includes discrimination of basic amenities such as housing and access to medical facilities. They are also discriminated on employment opportunities and recruitment on the same. However, the society has changed its attitude on the group over time. Consequently, the law has also been adjusted to accommodate the rights of these individuals. The rights of these groups depend entirely on the ruling of the court, which is guided by the constitution of the state in its ruling (Beitz 2009, p.1-5). Therefore, the organizations that are directly engaged with LGBT have a lot of faith in the law of the land. They understand that the law is a key driver of social change in every country. The ultimate achievement of the rights of the group depends heavily on the interpretation of the constitution. Some of th e decisions made by the courts that are based on the constitution have heavily influenced the change of rights and achievement of equality of the LGBT. In this study, I look into the depths of discrimination in the United Kingdom, with a specials focus on the rights of LGBT.

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