Tuesday, August 13, 2019

UFC Business Applied Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

UFC Business Applied Project - Essay Example The technologies of Nokia have also been considered in the paper along with its impact on the targeted customers of the brand. Various practical strategies have been considered by Nokia in order to sustain in the market which has also been presented in the paper. From the study, it has been observed that Nokia implements different technology strategies for different countries based on the variances of the targeted customer groups. One of the key success factors achieved by Nokia in its global operations is its competency in developing appropriate technology strategies with due consideration towards the market requirements and trends. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Mobile Phone Technology Evolution 5 Past, Present & Future of Nokia’s Technology Strategies 6 Brand Specific Case Study 8 Brand Strategy 10 Conclusion 11 11 References 13 Introduction The Caucasus regions include a number of countries like Russia, Georgia, Iran and Turkey. Among these, Russia an d Turkey are identified as the main target markets of Nokia. The reason behind Russia and Turkey are the targeted markets for Nokia among the Caucasus regions because the countries share huge population in comparison to Georgia and Iran. The customers of Russia and Turkey have more customer preference for Nokia with respect to Georgia and Iran. ... ched its business in the late 1980s Nokia has expanded its successful business in Turkey also offering target customers with a varied product range including Near Field Communication (NFC) and mobile phone accessories (Nokia, 2012a; Nokia, 2003). Similarly in the CIS region, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are the major targeted markets of Nokia. In the markets of Ukraine and Kazakhstan Nokia provides the customers with its updated technology products such as Nokia 808 Pure View and various kinds of popular applications. Customer service is important in these markets along with offering updated products at frequent intervals to its targeted customers (Nokia, 2012b; Nokia, 2012c). It is in this context that these regions have been identified to witness rapid technology evolutions in the mobile phone industry. With due regards to this fact, the prime objective of the paper is to identify the process through which technology evolution took place in the regions of Caucasus and CIS. The discussion will further intend to develop an understanding of the role played by Nokia in the process with regards to its brand strategies in these regions. Mobile Phone Technology Evolution The evolution of mobile phones instigated with the launch of 1st Generation (1G) mobile tools launched in the year 1978 and developed through the analogue system. The 2nd Generation (2G) mobile phones were launched in the 1990s. The mobile phones had Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) and the kind of service initially started from Europe. The 3rd Generation (3G) mobile phones were an added advantage to the then available systems. The 3G technology bought facilities like video, audio and graphics application. The purpose behind developing 3G technologies was to set up a single network other than different

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