Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Language Therapy of Disorders of Fluency Assignment

Language Therapy of Disorders of Fluency - Assignment ExampleMore everywhere, at that place is his mothers cousin who stuttered at a young age but later grew oer it. Most of the young children undergo a period of stuttering of up to 5% of their speech. Majority of such cases argon resolved either finished treatment or spontaneously. Thus, chances are also high that Cara would grow over it by the age of five but the mother is concerned that the cycle is deteriorating since her stutters are more open and rampant now occurring on a daily basis. The second benefit is visible in the substance her mother is concerned about her (Caras) wellbeing and thus took her to a speech therapist. She was concerned about the treatment taking place for her daughter. She indicated that Caras speech and language skills developed at a like site to that of her peers. However, the problem began soon after her 3rd birthday when she began stuttering and having real difficulties in pronouncing words. The stuttering appeared to have gone and thusly come back worse than ever. Thus, the mother was concerned about the welfare of her daughter since she felt the groom had deteriorated and she could not wait for a longer period before she could intervene for her daughter. The third advantage is the look Cara lives in a well-integrated nuclear family. She lives at home with her mother, father and her baby brother who is one category old. This nuclear family provides her with the required parental support (Cummings 2008). Her health condition is good and she has a very combat-ready lifestyle where she is able to meet all her milestones in development. Her gross and even the fine motors skills are of sequester according to her age and she presents excellent play skills. Cara has developed her language and speech at a similar rate with her peers. This is a good sign indicating that her stuttering could just be a phase that she was going through and she could come over it before the age of five.

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